Search Engine Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine OPtimization
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It is an art of improving and promoting a website in SERP. It is the process of getting traffic from the Search Engines with free organic results. There are three major Search Engines like Google, Bing, yahoo.
There can be involving these things in SE.    
·        Images Optimization
·        Videos Optimization
·        Local SE Optimization
·        Keywords Optimization
·        Local listing/Business

How Search Engines Work:

Search Engines have three major functions. Crawling, Cache, Indexing
1.      Crawling = Read
2.      Caching  = Store
3.      Indexing = Showing in SERP
This formula you can understand easily. Crawling mean read. I mean to say that Google Spiders/Robots come at your website and crawl/read your site then he cache/store their own record after that there is last step to index your web pages in Search Engines. Lastly Google confirm your content (Don’t copy paste content) relevancy is most important thing so after these step Google index your website if there everything ok.

Social Media Optimization:

Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization
Social media optimization This done by utilizing the power of social media and networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn YouTube, Google+ etc. You can even see it as a kind of viral marketing where any brand, product and service is made popular by effectively using networking in social bookmarking, video/photo sharing sites. SMO turning into associate more and more necessary think about search engine optimization, Search Engines give priority to sites having more social signals and provide us combining the result of Social Media.
Optimize your site for Social Media like creating an official account/page and sharing your services/products to with peoples

Social Signals:

The extent to which your brand is able to create connections and expand its network is determined by the extent to which it creates active social signals. An active signal is a two-way connection based on an exchange of value. Sites who have profiles an Social Media and engage in Social activities. The more people share a web page on Social networking sites the result will be different and better.


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